Criticism should be polite and constructive. Unrelated fan works should not be posted here. We do not allow excessive low-effort one-liner comments, jokes, memes, or off-topic replies. Posts must either contain speculation or introduce a topic for speculative discussion. Comments including demeaning language, sarcasm, rudeness, gloating or hostility towards another user (or aggregate of users or fans) will be removed. Rules 1) Be courteous to your fellow speculators.įollow reddiquette. Work together with your fellow speculators in an attempt to build understanding as we collectively try to unlock the secrets of upcoming Star Wars media.

It is a curated space to talk about additions to canon in a larger perspective-incorporating analysis of the story being told and the real life factors around it in order to best theorize what comes next. Star Wars Speculation is a community dedicated to speculative discussion of the Star Wars franchise.